Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And the winner is...

well... not me this time. Got an email from Emirates saying, thank you but no! *sigh*.... and now need to figure out what to do next...


C to the G said...

Once again sorry...Next you go to Germany, enjoy your time, finish your studies and try again, head up chin up...Good luck.

made_in_ukraine said...

Thanks, Clauderic! I have had the same plan in my mind, too. And on top of that, will try QR and EY. See you in KIX sometime :-)

Aviation Crazy said...

Don't give up...someday I hope to photograph you in that uniform, be it EY, EK or QR (wink)

Arosha ( Pinky ) said...

Hi there!
I have seen ur posts already on pprune..I log in as pinkylicious..
Really sorry abt Emirates thingy..
U kno what?
Never give up!
Anyways I'm also waiting for their call...
It's a waiting game..torturous waiting game (sigh)

nero said...

Do not give up!I am an engineering student In Kenya Graduating Next Year and Dreaming of EK!I will make an application this December and join the waiting list but you shouldn't give up!One day you are going to receive the big phone call!Are you on Twitter?
